So I stumbled upon this Rainbow Cake beauty on my new favorite blog
Omnomicon (which I so DON'T want to share with you because there are many lovies on there I want to make and show off). Aleta has the cutest little
rainbow cake on there and I decided to try it out for our bake-off. But here's the big secret. It's diet. THAT'S RIGHT. Diet. But not ewww-that-is-so-gross-diet. YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL. In fact my dad, who is NOT a big cake eater, said it was one of the moistest cakes he had ever had. Oh and ps? The frosting is diet too. Let's make cake, shall we?
First up you are going to mix the cake mix with 24 oz. of clear diet soda.
Yes Matt. IT'S A BOX.
Your batter is going to be lumpy. But it's okay. Just mix it up according to the box directions. And you can take licks of this! No raw eggs!
Here's where I suck because I didn't get any of the dividing-the-batter action. (Sorry the pictures is a little blurry!) I knew I only wanted 3 colors so I basically figured out how many ounces were in the whole thing and divided it by 3, then put the batter in 3 separate bowls. I added the gel color until it was the color I wanted.
I don't know how I got perfect circles in my cake but here is how I layered it. I knew I wanted the bottom color to be the most prominent so I put about 2 and half cups of the bottom color in first. Then I put about 1 1/2 cups of the second color and about 3/4 cups of the third color. Eyeball it and trust your gut.

Then bake that sucker according to the directions on the box. Mine required an extra 10 minutes or so. Just keep poking it with a toothpick until it comes out clean. The tops of my cakes were really bloated so I shaved the entire bump off the bottom layer and part of it on the top. Now it's time for FROSTING!

All you're going to do here is take 16 oz. of cool whip and mix in the two packages of fat-free, sugar-free pudding (I used the white chocolate flavor). I would do it one at a time. It makes it a little easier to mix. Also, I would mix this while your cake is baking. That way the whip cream has time to thaw out. That will come in handy later.

Start frosting that sucker! This frosting is very sticky. Meaning it sticks to the cake! So that's why it is important that it has sit for awhile. I found that it was easier to spread the frosting warmer it was. It's not going to be perfectly smooth like buttercream so if that bothers you, sorry.

How cute is this thing? I really loved it. And seriously. GOOD. So moist. I really think this is some of the most moist cake I have ever had. I can't wait to try the full
Rainbow Cake
2 boxes white cake mix
24 oz of clear diet soda (I used Sprite)
gel food coloring
16 oz. whipped topping such as cool whip
2 oz instant fat-free sugar-free pudding mix (I used white chocolate flavor)
1. Mix the cake with the soda according to the box directions. It will be slightly lumpy.
2. Figure out how many total ounces of cake batter you have and divide that by how many colors you want to do. Divide batter into bowls, add gel coloring and mix!
3. Drop your colored batter in your greased pans in the order you want your rainbow. Your bottom layer should be about double the amount of your top layer.
4. Bake your cake according to the box. You will probably need an additional 10 minutes or so. Check it every 5 minutes until a toothpick comes out of the center clean. Let it cool completely.
5. While your cake is cooling mix your 2 packages of pudding with your whipped topping. Do one package at a time and mix thoroughly.
6. Frost your cake and chow down!